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21. Januar 2021

Seven ways to hide HTML Elements using CSS

Hidden is not the same as disappeared

German version

There are - as so often - different ways to hide a HTML element. But not in every case the element also disappears from the screen. In that case there is still an empty space visible on the screen.
In this small article I will show you more or less reasonable methods to hide HTML elements from users.

I use paragraph elements and styled all examples with background-color, color and border to make it more visible (or invisible!) what happens with which CSS statement.

Structure of the examples

First, the CCS code is displayed, which is needed for hiding the HTML elements.

Then I will show three paragraphs where the code is not applied.

In the last paragraph with a blue border I will explain what has happened.


In this article, although I'll use eight CSS attributes or values, that only adds up to seven methods.

The CSS attributes or values are identical to the method, except for the "Zero Pixels" method, which I use for the font size and for height and width.

Jump directly to the individual methods:

1. display | 2. opacity | 3. position | 4. transform | 5. transparent | 6. visibility
7. Zero pixels: a) font-size | b) height and width

1. Display

CSS Code
.display-none {
  display: none;

Code not applied

Code not applied


Code not applied – next paragraph code applied display: none:

Result: The element and the space of the element on the screen have disappeared. Pay attention to accessibility: Not all screen readers will read an element with display: none.

2. Opacity

CSS Code
.opac-0 {
  opacity: 0;

Code not applied

Code not applied


Code not applied – next paragraph code applied opacity: 0:

Result: The background, the text and the border have disappeared, but not the space of the element on the screen.

3. Position

CSS Code
.position-off-screen {
  position: absolute;
  left: -10000px;
  top: auto;
  overflow: hidden;

Code not applied

Code not applied


Code not applied – next paragraph applied CSS class .position-off-screen:

Result: The element and the space of the element on the screen have disappeared. This is the recommended solution from an accessibility point of view.

4. Transform

CSS Code
.transform {
  transform: translate(-9999px,-9999px);

Code not applied

Code not applied


Code not applied – next paragraph code applied transform: translate(-9999px,9999px):

Result: The background, the text and the border have disappeared, but not the space of the element on the screen.

5. Transparent

CSS Code
.transparent {
  background-color: transparent;
  color: transparent;

Code not applied

Code not applied


Code not applied – next paragraph applied CSS class .transparent:

Result: Only the background and the text have disappeared, but not the border or the space of the element on the screen.

You can set border: transparent, than the border will disappear, too.

6. Visibility

CSS Code
.visiblity-hidden {
  visiblity: hidden;

Code not applied

Code not applied


Code not applied – next paragraph code applied visibility: hidden:

Result: The background, the text and the border have disappeared, but not the space of the element on the screen. Pay attention to accessibility: Not all screen readers will read an element with visiblity: hidden.

7. Zero Pixels

a) font-size

CSS Code
.zero-font {
  font-size: 0;
  line-height: 0;
  margin: 0 !important;
  padding: 0 !important;

Code not applied

Code not applied


Code not applied – next paragraph applied CSS class .font-zero:

Result: The background and the text have disappeared, but not the border, and the element still takes up some space on the screen.

You can set border: transparent, or unset border at all, than the border will disappear, too. But also here remains some space on the screen.

b) height and width

CSS Code
.height-width {
  height: 0;
  width: 0;
  margin: 0 !important;
  padding: 0 !important;
  overflow: hidden;

Code not applied

Code not applied


Code not applied – next paragraph applied CSS class .height-width:

Result: The background, the text and the border – except a small dot – have disappeared, but the element still takes up some space on the screen.

You can set border: transparent, or unset border at all, than the border will disappear completely, too. But also here remains some space on the screen.

With the Firefox developer tool inspector we can see where the space of the now invisible text has remained: it's the semitransparent blue space on the left side of the screenshot.

Screenshot from firefox dev tool to show the space of the 'invisible' text
The space of the 'invisible' text


There is no general recommendation as to which method would be best for which purpose.

To hide HTML elements without semantic or content relevance, the display: none method is probably best.

To hide HTML elements but keep them accessible for screen readers, the position method is recommended.

The opacity or transform methods are suitable for images or animations.

I strongly advise against the method zero pixels; it can be used at most for special cases.

The CSS property content-visibility is not yet supported by many browsers, so I don't cover it here.

I do not take HTML global attribute hidden into account either.

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